Understanding the infer keyword
ELI5 - Explaining infer
Take this type
type MyAwaited<T> = T extends Promise<infer R>
? R extends Promise<any>
? MyAwaited<R>
: R
: T extends { then: (onfulfilled: (args: infer B) => any) => any }
? B
: never;
we first check if the type passed T
is a type of Promise<infer R>
(assume that R
is any value)
if yes then we can say return the value in R
(infer will essentially capture the value)
if not then we make the next check (for the .then()
) and we do the same thing
if the two fail then we return never
btw a fun and actually very useful thing about infer is that you can add extends to make sure that you only catch specific types
i.e if you do
type First<T extends any[]> = T extends [infer First extends string, ...infer Next] ? First : never;
it'll only capture First
if First
happens to be a string this means the extends will fail and you'll get never